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Lee L.

management/Care Consultant
2 recommendations
  • Suggested rate
    €661 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Lee's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Derby, England, United Kingdom
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around Derby (up to 50km)
  • and around Nottingham (up to 10km)
  • and around Leicester (up to 10km)
  • and around Mansfield (up to 10km)
  • and around Stafford (up to 10km)

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Lee in a few words
Authoritative, yet approachable & responsive management style, to motivate & develop effective working relationships with staff while managing change. Promoting a culture of open communication, to include constructive feedback for self & colleagues
Excellent interpersonal style , using a variety of responsive communication skills effectively to build positive working relationships with service users, families & external professionals
Extensive knowledge of legislative requirements & good practice guidance such as, but not limited to; Health & Social Care Act, CQC Fundamental Standards, Mental Capacity Act, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, NICE Guidelines
Experience of turning services around successfully, helping define the direction of the service, achieving goals, increasing efficiency & productivity, leading the team to become high performing
Ability to evaluate opportunities & risks, decisive in order to deliver innovative new solutions to challenges
Always focuses on the needs, aspirations & outcomes of people who use services. Continually encouraging & enabling them to be involved in shaping the service, their own care & support provision, participating in service consultation, Experience in end to end project management, delivering quality outcomes.
A role model for excellent practice, setting consistent high standards while influencing practices & attitudes, challenging less effective behaviours through coaching & mentoring
Always establishing a highly visible presence in any service I'm involved with, varying the hours I work to ensure utmost flexibility
Experienced dealing with the demands of a busy work schedule, high quality planning, organising skills, scheduling & managing time & work load effectively
2 recommendations

Sandra Lindsay and 1 other person have recommended Lee

Sandra LindsaySL
Sandra Lindsay
Purple Amethyst Care Ltd
Having worked with Lee on various projects over the last couple of years I have always found him to be driven and committed to achieving the best possible outcome at all times, whether this relates to residents, staff or colleagues.

His knowledge is extensive and his approach flexible which enables him to manage multiple services and staff positively and successfully.

Lee's also really easy to work with - making the job easier for everyone!
John CharltonJC
John Charlton
Lee was a manager of a large nursing - residential home when I was asked to help (covid crisis) as a medical practitioner. He was excellent. Not just organising a large team of carers, a number of actual care homes but in a crisis. As a doctor what impressed me in particular was his compassion for the patients and a determination to obtain the best possible care for them. Always knew all about each patient! Good to work with and well respected by his staff.