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Profile picture

Pujitha Siddanathi

java developer
  • Suggested rate
    €422 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Pujitha's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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Skill set (13)
Pujitha in a few words
Able to design back end architecture, web application using java , spring boot framework, JPA.
Having great experience in developing rest api's and testing API's using PostMan.
Able to mplement efficient solutions according to client preferences and created native oracle pl/sql queries.
Able to use strong version control systems like Git, Jenkins for CI/CD.
Involved in all stages of software development life cycle and follows agile principles
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  • Tata Consultancy Services
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  • Wipro Technologies
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    September 2021 - December 2022 (1 year and 3 months)
    Project: SEARCH ADS Client: Apple Inc., United Kingdom Technologies Used: Java, Spring Boot, React, HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap Database: ORACLE 12C Tools: GitHub, IntelliJ, SQL Developer DevOps Tools: Jenkins, DOCKER, Kubernetes Project Details: Search Ads is a certification tool which is used by Mobile Application Developers. It is a web-application built in Spring Boot as Backend, ReactJS as Front-end technologies where developer seek training and attend exam.
    •Having experience in working as a Java developer using Spring Framework.
    •Proficient in developing RESTful API using J2EE Technologies and testing APIs using Postman.
    •Having experience in using IDE's like IntelliJ and integrating with dependency tool like Maven.
    •Created native SQL Queries and having good knowledge in complex queries such as SQL Procedures in Relational Databases like ORACLE 12C.
    •Strong experience with Version Control systems like GitHub, CI/CD pipelines tool as Jenkins.
    •Worked with 5 developers to design and implement appropriate technical solutions.
    •Having experience in testing the application during release time, monitoring application logs using Splunk tool and troubleshooting the issues.
    •Involved in all stages of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) as well as working in AGILE Methodologies based development environment, participating in spring/iterations, and SCRUM meetings.
  • Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science
    VR Siddhartha Engineering College
    Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science)