- Pozhegu BrothersIT Administrator & Content CreatorREAL ESTATEJune 2017 - August 2022 (5 years and 2 months)Prishtinë, Pristina, KosovoIT- Administrator Video Marketing Design Social Media "POZHEGU BROTHERS" LLC deals with the development and creation of new residential and commercial real estate. The owners of this company (Qemajl Pozhegu and Shefqet Pozhegu) have high education and apply the modern standards of contemporary construction. The company's orientation is in the creation of safe ecological dwellings, residential blocks with organization of facilities under the technical regulations of the Athens Charter, professional regulations on laminate of architecture and civil engineering. With selected materials for thermal insulation, sound insulation and the application of tested, contemporary products and the organization of the most healthy for one and the environment.
- gomuidemInformation Technology Specialist & Video EditorDIGITAL & ITJanuary 2019 - Today (6 years and 1 month)Las Vegas, NV, USAVideographer, Content Creator, Information Technology Specialist Real creators build stories, brands and experiences not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. It starts with an idea. Muidem's focus is to develop ideas through the model of 360 Story Telling while providing maximum brand exposure across multiple mediums and platforms utilizing various digital delivery systems.
- Air MunichVideo EditorAVIATION & AEROSPACEJanuary 2015 - January 2022 (7 years)Munich, GermanyVideo Marketing Design Social Media AIR MUNICH is a travel agency with many years of experience in the travel market. In addition to our charter flights from Germany Switzerland and Italy to Prishtina Tirana and Skopje, we are also an authorized partner for scheduled flights to all destinations worldwide. We look forward to welcoming you!
- Menager and ComputerUniversity of PrishtinaMenager and Computer
- Gymnasium, Gymnasticshigh school 17 shkurti2010Gymnasium, Gymnastics