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James Kember

Lead Product/UX/UI Designer
  • Suggested rate
    €661 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept James's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
London, England, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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James in a few words
I'm a creative lead with 13 years of experience. I believe in the magical moments when design changes our lives, even if it’s just in small ways. I’ve worked within both agencies and client-side teams in Australia, London and Dubai.

I help businesses to unlock value through the creation of new propositions and experiences that reshape, innovate, and transform their digital offerings
  • Experian Consumer Services
    Design Lead - Mobile Apps
    April 2022 - Today (2 years and 10 months)
    My role as the design lead for Native Apps means i'm responsible for the look and feel of the mobile app journey. Using modern design techniques and UX principles, I work in an Agile environment using Release cycles for frequent and transparent app releases. Additional responsibilities include contributing to the Apps design strategy inline with business direction and requirements. Mentoring/managing junior designers within Experian and student internships. Writing on subject expertise especially around our products, market and disciplines. Also assessment of new design candidates and presentations around existing product work internally and externally of the business. As an App designer I apply industry standard design techniques, UX principles and cognitive models to create a journey that reduces friction and pain points, while seamlessly creating a delightful user journey.
  • Reach Plc
    Head of Innovation Design - ReachLabs
    January 2021 - April 2022 (1 year and 3 months)
    I lead the innovation team at Reach, working closely with the product owner and 6 engineers to deliver some fantastic innovative products using Reach's data. My main responsibilities involved wearing multiple hats at any one time, from leading design sprints, running workshops, identifying new opportunities, whilst working to strategic business goals. Running refinement and planning sessions, and writing up tech requirements. I comfortably worked on multiple projects at any one time, managing time and expectations, transparently and appropriately. Created full end to end designs, from problem to launch and testing, iterating along the way. Always providing a strong point of view backed up by personal expertise, design rationale, customer data and industry trends. Consistently used analytics and data metrics to drive projects and make core decisions. Websites we delivered:
  • Experian Consumer Services
    Lead Product Designer - CONTRACT
    August 2018 - December 2020 (2 years and 4 months)
    Victoria, London SW1, UK
    Experian's new Car Insurance Comparison Service - launched Aug 2019. I was brought into Experian to lead on all aspects of UX and UI for their new Car Insurance product, this was a fantastic opportunity for me to get my teeth stuck into launching a new product from scratch. Responsible for the look and feel of this 70+ question form was a great challenge and one that I felt I could bring a lot of experience to, having previously worked on forms at Simply Business and Tesco. I helped define Experian's new, stable, multi-functional, responsive questionnaire which was rolled out to other verticals after the great feedback our new product got during internal testing. Working in a 'Start-up' like environment the newly formed Insurance team made up of engineers, testers, product owners and of course myself, delivered a beautiful, fully integrated web application with over 40+ leading insurers and over 60+ brands for both in session and out of session users. We've had fantastic feedback to date from users just getting a quote to customers who have gone onto buy a policy. Many of which have mentioned how quick, easy and simple the form is to complete and how they were easily able to compare different quotes and select the right cover and policy for their individual needs. I was also able to show off my coding skills and my all round desire to get stuck in to anything during my 18 months at Experian, by picking up the odd simple (1 pointer) story and helping the PO create, manage, refine and prioritise these. Testing and quality assurance was also an important principle in the team so I was often hands on testing with developers/testers during the implementation of my designs. This included multiple browsers, being able to run application code locally and fixing small UI bugs myself. I loved every minute of this role and wish Experian every success with this super product.