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Marine Miquel

marketing - branding - business developpement
  • Suggested rate
    €800 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Marine's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Maastricht, LB, Netherlands
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around Maastricht (up to 50km)
  • and around Utrecht (up to 100km)
  • and around Eindhoven (up to 100km)
  • and around Rotterdam (up to 100km)
  • and around Amsterdam (up to 100km)

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Marine in a few words
From Paris to Los Angeles over London or now currently in Maastrichg, also working worldwilde remotly, my passion has always been to work hand by hand with clients in need of business opportunities, developpement, and sales.

Through my years of experiences and all the projects I successfully managed or helped built, I am able to fast understand the stakes and find the most valuable solutions. I have at heart communication and respect with my clients, so then the customers in fine are happy with the services we are alltogether provinding.

I am happy to contribuate into people fullfilling their goals. Always very enthousiast and optimistic, I am a very creative and pragmatic problem solver with a natural gift to motivate people. Most of, I know the importance of a solid brand image and strategy to insure the perenity of any business.

Strategy is my passion and I am glad to use it alltogether with my other skills to make my clients happy, may it be through consulting, brand content, project management, e-influence missions or anything we will agree on working together.

I am used to work in luxury industries and hospitality so last minute projects are also very managable to me and the past had proven that sometimes I can make miracle happen !

Feel free to reach out to talk about your needs, I look forward to achieving some things with you !

Marine M
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