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Mukul Bhardwaj

Procurement manager with Strategic approach
  • Suggested rate
    €250 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Mukul's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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Mukul in a few words
A certified procurement consultant who brings over 10+ years experience to the table in Direct & Indirect material sourcing for various industries like steel, plastics & automobile. Experience in global sourcing for RAW materials, machinery & spares with emphasis on total cost of ownership. Managing big global suplier base, bringing cost savings and developing alternate sources are few of the skills mastered and avilable for organizations to take benefit of.
  • Motherson Group
    Global Commodity Manager
    May 2022 - Today (2 years and 10 months)
    Dubai - United Arab Emirates
  • Hepworth
    Procurement Team Lead
    July 2021 - May 2022 (10 months)
    Dubai - United Arab Emirates

    - Handling planning & procurement of Raw materials, responsible for negotiating & closing orders in the spend range up to USD 3 Million.
    - Handling all the CAPEX buying for the company which includes but not limited to Electrical, mechanical & hydraulic equipment & parts, projects & new developments.
    - Leading Team of 3 Buyers, making sure that defined KPI's for the department are achieved in the timely manner.
    - Implementing Total cost of ownership and pushing for cost savings.
    - Developing new suppliers, initiating trials request & coordinating with different departments.
    - Coordinating with internal stake holders and making sure that all the requirements are fulfilled within the target period.
    - Managing Yearly contracts across all departments including outsourced labor.
    - Handling Air/Sea inbound shipments from across the globe which includes custom clearances & MOI duty exemptions.
    - Performing Regular supplier evaluations to keep a check on suppliers performance.
    - Implementing new procurement procedure & policies.
    - Consolidation of international shipments to reduce transportation cost.
  • Hepworth
    Procurement Engineer
    May 2019 - July 2021 (2 years and 2 months)
    Dubai - United Arab Emirates
  • Bachelor of Technology
    Sri Sukhmani Institute of Engg. & Technology
    Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.), Mechanical Engineering
  • Certified Purchasing Professional, Purchasing, Procurement/Acquisitions and Contracts Management
    American Purchasing Society
    Certified Purchasing Professional, Purchasing, Procurement/Acquisitions and Contracts Management
  • CPPM
    American Purchasing Society
    Procurement Supply chain Negotiation Strategic planning